This site was created originally as a blog for my efforts at creating a coffee roasting computer. After several blogs I've added the forums to allow people to create topics and discuss things that would not typically be easy to do in a blog. For now the blog will continue to remain on the site as the main page.
The primary purpose of this site is to encourage people to share information about their coffee roaster projects (DIY control systems, modifications, etc) as well as information about their preferred techniques roasting coffee and espresso.
Feel free to start a discussion in any of the areas or suggest a new area. If you are working on a coffee roaster by all means start a topic in the DIY area listing what you are doing and areas you have had success or difficulty.
Welcome to
Re: Welcome to
Also FYI... everyone needs to register to comment/post new messages. Your messages will not appear (due to the plague of forum spammers out there) until they've been reviewed. If you're posting on topic etc then I'll approve the message as soon as I notice it and mark your account as registered so you don't need to have your messages approved. I just don't want this site to be involved in the perpetuation of all those spam message for pharmaceuticals and other "junk" posts that overrun most forums out there. It seems by making these approvals needed initially it's limited the influx of crap messages.