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by trevithick
March 28th, 2011, 3:39 pm
Forum: DIY Projects
Topic: Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Roaster Computer
Replies: 20
Views: 296651

Re: Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Roaster Computer

Hi Steve, I certainly know what you mean about spammers. That's why I pay annually for my Spamcop service. They block 99% of it and I can still check the blocked messages and white list or black list held messages. If they would hang a few, maybe we could get rid of some of it. Your project sounds v...
by trevithick
February 25th, 2011, 3:53 pm
Forum: DIY Projects
Topic: Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Roaster Computer
Replies: 20
Views: 296651

Re: Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Roaster Computer

Hi Steve, Your project is really moving along nicely and the display looks excellent and the plot looks right on. I've attached a screen shot of one of my roast's plot. I especially like the well designed graphics and the obvious thought that went into the options available. My project is not nearly...
by trevithick
September 17th, 2010, 8:19 pm
Forum: DIY Projects
Topic: Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Roaster Computer
Replies: 20
Views: 296651

Re: Fresh Roast SR500 Coffee Roaster Computer

I too have a Fresh Roast SR500 and bought it for the express purpose of using it as a test bed for automation before building a larger scale roaster that can roast up to one pound at a time. How have you progressed with your PIC32? The PICs look like they are perhaps more of a professional level pro...